Club news

CCTB Minutes 5-16-24

Hi all, Great meeting tonight.  Here are the highlights. Report given on the Bar 10 and Cannonville Rides.  Everyone that attended had a great time. Charlie gave report on his job with Iron County trails.  He has put on 1200 miles marking trails,...

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CCTB Sunday night update

Happy Mother's Day to all of our moms and important women in our lives.  Thank you for all that you do each day to make our world a better place. Thank you to all that participated in the Friday lunch at Asian Bistro.  Thank you to Belkis who makes all the...

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CCTB Sunday night update

Hi all, Hope everyone is doing well. We have had a busy week.  Our club meeting on Thursday night was jam packed.  We had over 62 folks in attendance.  Rivaling our Christmas parties.   As you may know, we had club elections.  The results...

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CCTB Minutes 4-18-24

We had 62 people in attendance tonight.  We are well on our way of outgrowing the senior center.  Thank you to everyone that attended. Here are the highlights. Club elections. President-Charlie Stevenson VP-Jane Hawkes Treasurer-Dawn Barnes Secretary-you...

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CCTB Sunday night update (IMPORTANT)

CCTB Sunday night update. HI all, This update will be broken into 2 parts.   Part 1 Club meeting this Thursday 6pm for the April club meeting.  Remember that dues are due.  $24 per person or $36 per immediate family.  For club members 80 and...

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CCTB Sunday night update

Happy Easter everyone.  We hope that your Holiday weekend has been good.   As you know, Spring started on March 19th.   I bet you did not know that spring has not quite arrived in Iron County. We are all hopeful that it is truly right...

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CCTB monthly minutes 3-21-24

Hi all, Great turnout for our meeting tonight.   Lets get right to it. Your nominations for club officers are as follows... Secretary-Brody Johnson Treasurer-Dawn Barnes Vice President Jane Hawkes and Joe Paletsas President Charlie Stevenson and Pat McHenry...

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CCTB Sunday night update

       Hi all, Hope you all enjoyed the light breezes we have been experiencing lately as much as us.  We hope that your shingles are attached, your trees firmly planted and the neighbors trampoline back where it belongs. Just few quick updates. Our next Friday...

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CCTB Sunday night update  

Hi all, We hope you have had a nice week.  From the looks of it, many of you took advantage of the nice weather to ride.  Thanks to Pat McHenry for doing a ride out to the Gap and the surrounding areas.  Remember, if you go out riding, invite the...

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Leeds Ride