CCTB Sunday night update

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our moms and important women in our lives.  Thank you for all that you do each day to make our world a better place. Thank you to all that participated in the Friday lunch at Asian Bistro.  Thank you to Belkis who makes all...

CCTB Sunday night update

Hi all, Hope everyone is doing well. We have had a busy week.  Our club meeting on Thursday night was jam packed.  We had over 62 folks in attendance.  Rivaling our Christmas parties.   As you may know, we had club elections.  The results...

CCTB Sunday night update

       Hi all, Hope you all enjoyed the light breezes we have been experiencing lately as much as us.  We hope that your shingles are attached, your trees firmly planted and the neighbors trampoline back where it belongs. Just few quick updates. Our next Friday...