Club news
CCTB Sunday night update
Hi all, Hope you all enjoyed the light breezes we have been experiencing lately as much as us. We hope that your shingles are attached, your trees firmly planted and the neighbors trampoline back where it belongs. Just few quick updates. Our next Friday...
CCTB Sunday night update
Hi all, We hope you have had a nice week. From the looks of it, many of you took advantage of the nice weather to ride. Thanks to Pat McHenry for doing a ride out to the Gap and the surrounding areas. Remember, if you go out riding, invite the...
CCTB Sunday night update
HI all We hope this Super Bowl Sunday finds you well and safe. As of this email, there is no winner between the 49ers and Chiefs. Here are a few updates... Feb 14th Valentines Day. Make sure to do something nice for those you hold special...
CCTB Minutes 2-15-24
Charlie welcomed new members Jane proposed a Summer BBQ on August 22nd at Woods Ranch to be catered. This will take the place of the August meeting that would normally be the week before. We also welcomed her back from her surgery and move into her...
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Cedar City Trail Blazers OHV Club
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