CCTB Sunday night update

Hi all We hope that you are having a great week.   As for me, it is going well.  Just got back late from the Paiute Trail Jamboree in Marysvale.  What an awesome experience.  Though the fire had scared a number of people away, the hardy ones,...

CCTB Sunday night update

Hi all, We hope you have had a great holiday weekend, actually, a great holiday month.   We hope you have been able to get out and enjoy family and friends in the great outdoors.  With so many jamborees coming up between now and October, weekends are...

CCTB Minutes 7-18-24

CCTB Minutes 7-18-24 Thank you to everyone that joined the meeting tonight. Here are the highlights… Dawn (treasurer) excused. No club meeting August. There will be the Catered dinner on August 22nd Woods Ranch.  Please RSVP to Jane Hawkes ASAP and...

CCTB minutes 6-20-24

Thank you to all who participated in our lively club meeting tonight.   Here are the highlights… Charlie and Steve gave updates on the Iron Off Road Rally and the Rally in the Valley events that happened in the past several weeks.  It was great to see...