Thank you to all who participated in our lively club meeting tonight.  

Here are the highlights…

  • Charlie and Steve gave updates on the Iron Off Road Rally and the Rally in the Valley events that happened in the past several weeks.  It was great to see so many club members participating whether riders or trail guides.
  • Charlie gave update on the Color Country Jamboree.  The registration is open.  Get the word out to friends and family to start signing up for the jamboree.
  • Charlie has done over 3000 miles on the trail working for Iron County in the past 2 or so months.  Lots of trail work is getting done.  
  • Jane gave update on the Summer Party.  August 22nd at Woods Ranch.  Cost is $15 per club member.  RSVP to Jane asap.  payment by the July meeting.  I will bring Cornhole and club can bring a desert to share.  The main course will be provided.
  • Dawn gave update on our accounts.
  • Phil gave update on the Beaver Jamboree.  The fire on the Tushars is still going on and as soon as it is put out, more info will be had. But the registration is open, so get registered asap.
  • Upcoming rides.  Charlie will be doing the Moonlight ride tomorrow at 7pm.  Meet at the Paragonah cemetery.  Plan 50+ miles and about 5 hours.  Please make sure to be courteous to the neighbors upon your return in the dark.
  • Brody’s Prime Rib Ride.  Meet 3pm Paragonah Cemetary.  Back before dark.  Will be eating at Burger Barn.  Bring a chair.  Open to all machines and ride levels.
  • Paiute Trail Ride July 5th and 6th.  More information in the coming week or so.
  • The Senior Center has a new director.  Stephanie Rainey.  Also, the senior center is hosting a 3rd Friday Dance with live music 7pm on June 21, July 19, Aug 16 and Sept 20.  All are invited to attend.
  • We had a special guest Dave Jacobson with the BLM.  He is also a member of the state OHV council that I am on. We distribute funds to groups for OHV related projects.  He is the Travel and Transportation for the state BLM.  We h ad a lively discussion on the BLM.  Thank you for all the questions and I bet we could have kept going for another 2 hours.  The biggest takeaway is to get your comments into the BLM in whatever way you can.  They cannot be canned and generic comments.  They need to be individualized.  Get those comments in on the various travel management plans.

I hope I have not missed anything.  If I have please put in the comments section for this post on Facebook.

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary