Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing well.

We have had a busy week.  Our club meeting on Thursday night was jam packed.  We had over 62 folks in attendance.  Rivaling our Christmas parties.  

As you may know, we had club elections.  The results are in with Charlie and Jane continuing for another year as President and Vice President.  There were no challengers for Treasurer and Secretary so you get to hang out with Dawn Barnes and myself for another year.  Thank you to those that chose to run for office.  It was actually exciting to see so much participation in the process.

We also had club dues that night.  If you did not pay your dues, yet, please make sure to take care of this at the next meeting.

At our meeting we discussed upcoming rides including the big one tomorrow to Bar 10.  Travel safe and take lots of pictures for those of us lucky enough to be at work.

We also discussed the ever increasing and frankly very disturbing land closures by the BLM in the San Rafael Swell.  In light of that, the club voted unanimously to donate $500 to Blue Ribbon Coalition and we encourage all club members to bring your extra change laying around at the next meeting.  We will be having a representative of the BRC join us and go over what is happening. We will make our donation at that time and your individual donations as well.

In other news, we had our club lunch on Friday at Sizzler.  Another great turnout and thank you to Belkis for helping get this organized. She will be coming up with other Friday lunches in the near future. If you have suggestions on where to go, please reach out to her.

We are also asking everyone to participate in the poker run on April 27th out of the Painted Hills RV Park in Parowan.  They will have prizes to give away and a fun ride that Charlie will be helping with.  For those helping, please be early to the RV Park for instructions.  All others 830am for donuts and milk/juice and hitting the road at 9am.   Bring your money for the raffles as well.

Thank you and be safe out there.

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary