We had 62 people in attendance tonight.  We are well on our way of outgrowing the senior center.  Thank you to everyone that attended.

Here are the highlights.

Club elections.

President-Charlie Stevenson

VP-Jane Hawkes

Treasurer-Dawn Barnes

Secretary-you guessed it.

Thank you to all that ran for office.  Your willingness to serve is appreciated.  

Club lunch tomorrow 1pm Sizzler.  All are welcome.  

Bar 10 on Monday and Tuesday (ride full).  Be on lookout for any last-minute updates.  Make sure to have fun and take lots of pictures.

Cannonville overnighter.  May 3-4.  Staying at R Journey in Cannonville. Discount for club members.  This will be a fantastic riding experience in a very beautiful area of Garfield County.

June 21 Full Moon Ride 9PM (that is 9pm at night, not in the morning).

June 29th Prime Rib Ride.  More information as we get closer.  But this will be at the Burger Barn.  Smoked Prime Rib and sides or you can get other items off menu.  Open to all machines.

Updates on Iron Off Road Rally and Color Country OHV Jamboree.  (Sorry, I missed this part as we were counting votes).

Discussion on Big Ride 19.

As a club, we voted on donating $500 to Blue Ribbon Coalition.  We also encourage members to bring cash to add to the donation. BRC is fighting the closures of many areas of BLM land to OHV use in the courts.  We will have a BRC rep at May meeting.

Also discussed ways to write letters/comments on trail closures.  Please see the email and Facebook post regarding that on April 14th.

We also had open and frank discussion on how BLM closures for OHV usage is just the beginning and will eventually lead to other trail closures for bikers, hikers, horses, ranching, camping, etc.  It is important for all user groups to stick together on this assault on public lands.  And after the Swell, the BLM will have their sights set on other areas to close.  So don’t kid yourself and think it will never happen where you ride.  It will, or at least they will try.  It is up to us to stand tall and make our voices heard.  Write your BLM offices, elected officials, etc.   And get involved in groups like BRC, UPLA, local OHV clubs, etc.

Next meeting is scheduled for May 16th

Thank you and see you on the trails.

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary