Happy Easter everyone.  We hope that your Holiday weekend has been good.   As you know, Spring started on March 19th.   I bet you did not know that spring has not quite arrived in Iron County. We are all hopeful that it is truly right around the corner.

Now on to the good stuff.

Our next meeting is April 18th.  This will be a big one.  We have two offices that will require voting.

For Vice President, our nominees are incumbent Jane Hawkes and challenger Joseph Paletsas.  

For President, our nominees are incumbent Charlie Stevenson and challenger Patrick McHenry.

The nominations for Treasurer are Dawn Barnes and Secretary Brody Johnson so no vote will be needed.

To be eligible to vote, you will need to be present AND your dues need to be up to date.  If you do not know if you have paid your dues, please reach out to Dawn Barnes.  The cost is $24 per person or $36 per family.  If you are 80 and older-FREE.

If your dues are not paid, you will not get a ballot.  this is in-line with the club by-laws.

We will give each candidate a moment to make a ‘speech’ and then we will vote.

In addition we will be discussing some of the upcoming events our club will be helping with such as the Iron Off Road Rally with Triple S and the Color County OHV Jamboree with Iron County.

We will talk rides and make plans for future rides.  Come prepared with ideas and where you would like to ride.

Upcoming rides…

April 6 Logandale (weather permitting)

April 22 Bar 10 (full)

May 3-4 Cannonville

June 21 Full moon

June 29 Prime Rib

Others TBD

Club lunch dates TBD

See you all on the trails.

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary