Hi all,

Hope you all enjoyed the light breezes we have been experiencing lately as much as us.  We hope that your shingles are attached, your trees firmly planted and the neighbors trampoline back where it belongs.

Just few quick updates.

Our next Friday lunch will be posted in the coming days.

Our next club meeting is March 21st 6pm at the senior center.  Keep those recommendations coming in for updates to the by-laws.  We have had a few minor suggestions come in and we will look at those at the March meeting.  We will also be taking nominations for all club offices at the March meeting.  All positions are open.

Upcoming events…

March 9th Warner Valley

March 23rd Sand Hollow Clean up

April 6th Logandale

April 22nd Bar 10 (full)

May 3-4 Cannonville

June 21st Full Moon (weather permitting)

June 29th Prime rib ride

Remember, if you are getting out there and riding, invite the club.  

See you on the trails,

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary