Hi all,

We hope you have had a nice week.  From the looks of it, many of you took advantage of the nice weather to ride.  Thanks to Pat McHenry for doing a ride out to the Gap and the surrounding areas.  Remember, if you go out riding, invite the club.  You might just make a new friend and show more people the great areas we have to ride in.

Upcoming events…

March 9th Warner Valley with Charlie

March 21st CCTB meeting

March 23rd Sand Hollow Clean up ride

Apr 6th Logandale with Charlie

Apr 22nd Bar 10 (ride full)

May 3-4 Cannonville

June 21 Full Moon with Brody

June29th Prime Rib Ride with Brody

Please review the Events tab on Facebook for up-to-date information on rides and other events.

In regards to our March meeting, we will be taking nominations for all club presidency positions.  Please make sure you talk to your nominee in advance.  

We will also be reviewing the Bylaws.  I have had a few minor comments.  To ease your mind, you can remain anonymous in your letting me know suggestions for the by-laws.  We will discuss those at the meeting and then vote if needed.

Stay safe out there.  Looks like this upcoming week could be interesting with wind, rain and snow in the forecast.  Or we could end up with sunny blue skies and nice temps.  Who knows.  

See you on the trails,

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary