Hi all

We hope that you are having a great week.  

As for me, it is going well.  Just got back late from the Paiute Trail Jamboree in Marysvale.  What an awesome experience.  Though the fire had scared a number of people away, the hardy ones, the ones that love Marysvale through thick and thin still made the trek.  The rides were of course excellent and the food was awesome.  Even won some prizes.   I believe the dates for 2025 are Aug 6-9.

Preparations for the Color Country Jamboree continue with lots of pre-rides.  If you haven’t gotten out there to ride your trail, get with Charlie to organize a time to go.   

This week is the Bryce Valley Rally in Panguitch.  With currently over 200 riders coming, it should be a great time.  If you are there, be on the lookout for me.  I will be guiding 3 of the 4 days and helping on the 4th.

Then August 22nd is the club dinner on the mountain at Woods Ranch.  Come and join us for some games and food (if you have RSVP’d that is).  If you haven’t and still want to attend, we would not turn you away, just make sure to stop at McDonalds on the way up.  This takes the place of the meeting that would normally be the 3rd Thursday.  So, if you show up to the senior center on the 15th, that means you haven’t been reading the updates, the emails or the Facebook page.  Shame, shame, shame.

Other events…

Aug 23-24th Club ride in Panguitch.  Please get with Charlie for details.

Sept 2 Iron County Faire parade.  Please contact Charlie for details.

Hope everyone has a great week and see you in Panguitch for the Jamboree.

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary