Hi all, 

We hope this email finds you well.  There is a lot of smoke out there from all the fires in the area.  

Here are a few key highlights to be aware of.

  1.  The monthly club meeting is this Thursday 6pm at the Senior Center.  It will be a busy one.  Please make sure that if you are planning on attending the August 22nd catered dinner you must RSVP by this Thursday and you must also make payment.  Please RSVP to Jane Hawkes.  In addition,  a motion has been made to make a donation to the town of Marysvale relief fund.  This little town has been terrorized by the Silver King Fire.  We will discuss this and vote.  And if you would like to make a personal donation, you can find the mechanism to do this on the club Facebook page.  
  2. This Friday, July 19th will be a club lunch 1pm at the Mandarin.  We hope you can all make it and spend some time visiting with friends and fellow club members.
  3. For those attending the dual club ride in August and plan on staying in at Henries Hitching Post, please make sure to let them know you are with the club for a discount.
  4. Here are the upcoming rallies and jamborees.  Please make sure to attend.  Please help get the word out about these great events.  Let your friends, family, neighbors know.
    1. Paiute Jamboree in Marysvale Aug 7-10
    2. Bryce Valley Rally in Panguitch Aug 13-17
    3. Dual club ride Aug 23-24
    4. Paiute Banquet in Richfield Sept 14
    5. Rocky Mountain ATV Jamboree in Richfield Sept 16-20
    6. Color Country OHV Jamboree in Parowan Sept 25-28
    7. Beaver County ATV Jamboree in Beaver Oct 1-4

Thank you and be safe out there.

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary