CCTB Sunday night update.

HI all, This update will be broken into 2 parts.  

Part 1

Club meeting this Thursday 6pm for the April club meeting.  Remember that dues are due.  $24 per person or $36 per immediate family.  For club members 80 and over-FREE.

We will also be holding elections.  To participate, you must have your dues paid in full.  Please feel free to arrive early to help record dues.

For VP Jane Hawkes (Incumbent) and Joe Paletsas

For Pres Charlie Stevenson (Incumbent) and Pat McHenry

Friday lunch on 19th 1pm Sizzler.  See you there.

April 22nd Bar 10 Ride (Full)

May 3-4 Cannonville Ride

June 21 Full Moon Ride (9pm)

June 29th Prime Rib Ride

Part 2

I had the pleasure of attending the Big Ride in Green River, UT.  This is a special ride for club presidencies and other OHV group representatives.  This year, I got to attend on behalf of the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Outdoor Recreation OHV Advisory Council (ATV Rep).  I also stood in for Charlie as the CCTB rep.

We were able to spend many days riding the San Rafael Swell, visiting some amazing sites and seeing firsthand the areas the BLM is looking to close.  We also met with people from the counties that take in the Swell including reps from the BLM-Price office.  In addition, we were able to meet with and have discussion with Utah State Senator David Hinkins, Utah Speaker of the House Mike Schultz, and representative Phil Lyman who is also running for Utah Governor.  All great people that share a strong desire to protect from land grabs and closures in Utah.  We also met with the president of UPLA or the Utah Public Lands Alliance Loren Campbell.  

Some important take aways that we will be discussing in club meetings…

  1.  The BLM is looking at closing many areas of the San Rafael Swell that include many trails you may have enjoyed.
  2. The BLM has had great success in closing areas in the Moab area.
  3. We may think the closures end with the OHV community, but the overlanders are next, followed by the ranchers, and then on to the mountain bikers, hikers, and campers.  It is naive to think otherwise as evidenced by what has happened in Moab.
  4. Though Moab and Grand County governments are unfriendly to the OHV community, those that live there depend on us coming to Moab and to not picket the area.  Come ride.
  5. How we can help is to actually make comments to the BLM on the road closures.
  6. Be specific regarding the specific trail/road in question.
  7. Identify that you  have ridden that particular trail/road and what it means to you and your family.
  8. Keep it short (1-2 short paragraphs)
  9. Send a copy of the comment to the Blue-Ribbon Coalition.  They will help to make sure the BLM does not accidently lose your comments.
  10. If more than 1 trail is being closed and is an important trial to you, make separate comments.
  11. I recommend that if you have a disability or physical limitations that prevent you from hiking and biking, Indicate this as well in the comment.
  12. If you rode that trail that is being considered for closure, and you had a group with you, get them to all write individualized comments following the same pattern set forth above.
  13. Write your federal elected officials and let them know your frustrations with the closures of individual trails.  
  14. Become a member of UPLA, Blue Ribbon and other OHV friendly advocacy groups.
  15. Do not give the BLM ammunition to close trails.  Ride with Respect!
  16. After the San Rafael Swell, there are other places in the crosshairs (Henry Mountains, Kane County, Garfield County, etc.)  We need to stop the BLM at the swell and not give any more ground.  Your comments matter.  A majority of comments come from tree huggers.  And a majority of the OHV community comments are form letters that get filed in the round receptacle.  After that, your guess is as good as mine, but they will not stop coming for our land until we stop them (legally).  Your comments matter!
  17. The State of Utah is prepared to fight, but we need to stand together as an OHV community as well.
  18. And lastly, your comments matter.  Your silence is your consent to lose more public lands to ride and enjoy.  

Thank you for all that you do.

See you on the trails.

Brody Johnson

CCTB secretary