Hi all,

Great turnout for our meeting tonight.  

Lets get right to it.

Your nominations for club officers are as follows…

Secretary-Brody Johnson

Treasurer-Dawn Barnes

Vice President Jane Hawkes and Joe Paletsas

President Charlie Stevenson and Pat McHenry

Voting will be at our April meeting.  

To be eligible to vote, you must be a club member with dues that are caught up.  We will not be able to take votes that are not in person and we will be checking club dues to get a ballot.

If you are not sure if you are caught up, please reach out to Dawn Barnes.

Charlie gave reports on the 3 Corners Ride and Werner Valley.  He also thanked Steve Seager and Steve Harper who helped get some broken machines back home.

Jane reported on the August BBQ and the consensus was to consider a different caterer for this event or even a potluck.  Jane will get with a few members who expressed interest and more information will be forthcoming.  This will be August 15th Woods Ranch and will take the place of our August meeting.

Charlie reported that there have been some hiccups on the Color Country Jamboree website, but should be up and running.  The Jamboree will also be going on the same time as the county rodeo.  We are still looking for help with rides.

The Iron Off Road Rally with Triple S is needing help with guides.  The Jamboree is June 13-15th.  If interested, and it is free for guides, please reach out to Charlie.

Mike Worthen with Iron County reported on the Jamboree as well There will be 9 rides instead of 15.

For the ride this Saturday “Sand Hollow Cleanup”, the activity will be 2-3 hours and there will be a ride afterwards.  Please reach out to Charlie for more details or plan on a little ride afterwards.

The Bar 10 ride is FULL.

The Cannonville ride has openings.  Please reach out to the RJourney RV Park in Cannonville for your reservation

Charlie will be looking at a Barrack’s Ride with Greg Wosnum.  This will be limited to 8 machines and will be rated advanced riders only or at least have experience in sand..

We talked about some changes to the By-Laws.  Those will be updated in the coming week or so. Changes are…

-Regarding 80 and older being free membership

-Not leaving anyone on trail

-Secretary will keep copy of by-laws on hand during meetings

-No alcohol on rides or in coolers (including passengers) and no illegal drugs including marijuana.

-Club meetings are Jan-July, Sept-Nov and Aug BBQ, Dec Party

-Provide opportunities to lead, middle and tail

-Club members agree to follow out of state licensing and laws pertaining to OHV use out of state on club rides

-Any combinations of offices cannot be from same household

-Club presidency to meet a minimum of quarterly for club presidency meeting

Thanks to all who gave feedback before the meeting and during the meeting.


Next meeting is April 18th