1.  Charlie welcomed new members
  2. Jane proposed a Summer BBQ on August 22nd at Woods Ranch to be catered. This will take the place of the August meeting that would normally be the week before.  We also welcomed her back from her surgery and move into her new house.
  3. Dawn reported on the balances of checking and savings.
  4. Brody reported on March meeting.  We will review By-Laws.  Those will be sent out soon.  If you have any comments or suggested changes, please email me with those before the March meeting.  Also, April is when dues are due.  $24 per person or $26 per family.  March will have open nominations for all club officers.  Please get those nominations in.
  5. Charlie will work with Forest Service on a clean up ride in the summer.
  6. Christmas party update.  Mark your calendars now for Dec 6th.  More information in the coming months.  Please reach out to Kathy Barton if you are willing to help organize.
  7. Charlie reported on shirts, hats, flags and trail sacks (bags for back of machine to hold garbage).  If interested in retro logo from years gone by, there will be hats you can order and trail sacks (hats $25 and sacks $30).  Please reach out to Charlie.  Also, Karen and Marco will be working on hats and shirts in the coming months.
  8. Ride Report on 3 Corners loop.  The ride was awesome, great weather and 9 people.
  9. New website in the works by new member David Sanders.  www.cedarcitytrailblazers.com.  Be on the lookout for more information.
  10. Belkis reported on the lunch for tomorrow at 1pm Brickhouse.  All members are welcome and invited to joins us for a friendly lunch.
  11. Belkis, Kelly and Jane will head up a group to organize some summer BBQ’s.  Be on the lookout for information on that in the coming months.
  12. Reminder that club members that are 80 and older do not need to pay dues.  The only things we ask are you are an active member to the extent possible, and that you still need to pay for activities.  
  13. Phil reported on Beaver Jamboree Oct 1-4. Registration open soon.
  14. Charlie reported on Color Country Jamboree Sept 25-28.  Ride lists for guides, middle and tail are available for signup.  Please contact Charlie or Steve Harper to get your spot.
  15. Thank you to Belkis for bringing cookies.  If you are interested in bringing cookies to the next meeting, please feel free to do so.
  16. Discussion on Jamborees and we hope you attend where you can. The club will try and not hold club rides during jamborees that are in our area (Richfield, Beaver, Marysvale, Panguitch, and Washington County and Kane County) This is a sign of respect and our hope that our club members will support those groups that work hard to put together fun events to showcase our wonderful southern Utah Trail systems.  We invite other clubs to do the same.
  17. Charlie discussed some rides coming up including March 9th to Warner Valley, March 23rd Sand Hollow Cleanup day, Apr 6th Logandale. April 22 Bar 10, and Cannonville May 3-4.
  18. Brody talked about the Full Moon 9PM ride on June 21st (yes you heard that right 9PM) and June 29th Prime Rib Ride.
  19. Adjourn with next meeting March 21st.

With respect,

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary